Sunday, April 1, 2012

The long foundation process

Well, we finally have a foundation poured and ready to be backfilled. It was quite the long process with a two week delay due to design issues. The bottom line was that we needed to have caissons drilled and poured to 28 feet rather than just footings. The foundation is done and should be backfilled tomorrow. It was a bit of a frustrating month for Brian and I, but we are through it and are grateful to be making progress once again.

This week, we are hoping to have the foundation backfilled and compacted, all of the debris removed from the backyard, and the new back patio poured. Pretty exciting to be moving forward once again.

The excavation.

The view from our back door.

The mobile drill rig drilling the caissons.

The caissons being poured.

The finished foundation!

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